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Becoming an Actor - 12 Week Course
Week One: Introductions & Working Methods
My Story (6:25)
Working Method & Class Submissions (6:01)
A Brief History of Modern Acting
A Brief History of Modern Acting (25:47)
Given Circumstances & Concepts
Given Circumstances & Concepts (6:48)
Sensory Recall, Memory & Your Internal Thermostat
Sensory Recall, Memory & Your Internal Thermostat (7:22)
The Most Important Skill: Personalize (2:48)
Scene Work: Why do I Want To Become an Actor (Monologue)
Write Your Monologue
Submit Your Scene Now!
Week Two: The Actor's Trinity
Constantin Stanislavsky & His System (4:39)
The Dream: Your Character's Super Objective (4:08)
The Strategy: Your Character's Scene or Current Objective (3:58)
Your Character's Obstacles (5:15)
Objectives & Obstacles Workbook
Scene Work: 'The Shape of Things' by Neil la Bute
Putting the Trinity to Work (Preparation) (3:54)
Submit Your Scene Now!
Strategy Class # 1: Your Own Dreams, Strategies & Obstacles
Getting to Know Yourself
Goal Setting (Think Big!)
Week Three: Ian's Incredibly Scientific Formula for Acting
Ian's Incredibly Scientific Formula for Acting (4:50)
Beats: Breaking a Scene Down into Playable Units (3:08)
Diagram of the Formula
Inner Actions & Intentions (4:08)
Example of Inner Actions & Intentions: Meryl Streep
Scene Work: A Further Monologue
Breaking Down Your Monologue
Submit Your Best Take and Your Worst Take!
Strategy Class # 2: Your Five Year Plan
How to Construct Your Five Year Plan (5:29)
Create your Five Year Plan NOW!
Week Four: Endowment & Substitution
The Power of Transference (2:13)
Endowment: The Explanation (1:09)
Endowment: The Application (4:20)
Substitution: The Explanation (4:49)
Substitution: The Application (3:00)
Using Endowment & Substitution - Green Screen
Scene Work: 'A Streetcar Named Desire' by Tennessee Williams
Tennessee Williams & 'A Streetcar Named Desire'
Applying All of The Tools You have Learned So Far (2:37)
Submit Your Scene Now!
Strategy Class # 3: Obstacles All New Actors Encounter
Work Harder: 10 x Your Efforts Today! (2:57)
Get Visible: Auditions & Networking (2:54)
Advice from Established Actors
Week Five: Inner Objects & Inner Monologue
Using Imagery & Words to Create Emotional Connection (5:35)
Bridging Thoughts (4:16)
Non-Verbal Moments: The Inner Monologue (5:14)
Scene Work: 'A Streetcar Named Desire' (Cont.)
Applying Inner Objects & Inner Monologue
Submit Your Scene Now!
Strategy Class # 4: The Business of Acting
The Business of Acting (9:22)
Research Project: Study Your Favourite Actor's Career
Week Six: Place and a Sense of Privacy
Locate Your Character: Interior/ Exterior/ Public/ Private (4:38)
Personalize Your Playing Space (3:41)
A Sense of Privacy: The Fourth Wall (3:03)
A Sense of Privacy: Circles of Consciousness (4:44)
A Sense of Privacy: Veiled & Unveiled (2:08)
Scene Work: 'Breaking Bad' by Vince Gilligan
Non-Verbal Scene: Receiving Bad News
Verbal Scene: Place & Privacy
Submit Your Scenes Now!
Strategy Class # 5: Agents, Auditions & Castings
Agents, Auditions & Castings (5:05)
Week Seven: Relationships
Defining & Redefining Your Relationships (5:18)
How The Meisner Technique Creates Immediacy (2:17)
The Thesaurus Exercise (2:32)
Scene Work: 'Breaking Bad' (Cont.)
Defining & Redefining Your Relationships
Submit Your Scene Now!
Strategy Class # 6: Effective Marketing - Resumes, Head Shots, Show Reels, IMDB & more
Resumes, Head Shots, Show Reels, IMDB & more (7:03)
Week Eight: History & Biography
Back Story: Using Given Circumstances & Imagination (5:59)
150 Character Questions
Occupations: Detectives, Doctors, Despots & More
The Emotional Diary (2:55)
Scene Work: 'Romeo & Juliet' by William Shakespeare
'Romeo & Juliet' - A Discussion (3:21)
Create an Emotional Diary
Write a backstory for Romeo or Juliet
Submit Your Scene Now!
Strategy Class # 7: Pitching Your Performance - Film, TV & Theatre
Pitching Your Performance (4:46)
Week Nine: Physicality - Destination; Gesture & Business
Posture & Quality of Movement (4:18)
Destination (2:29)
Gesture (3:52)
Business (2:20)
Using Your Character's History to Form Physicality (2:55)
Endowment: The Application
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